
週刊添い寝CDシリーズ vol.4 壮介

Shuukan Soine CD Vol.4 Sousuke

A CD in which your boyfriend cuddles next to you in bed and talks with you until you fall asleep. The fourth and last volume in the series, this one is voiced by Terashima Takuma.

I don't know whether 'soine' would be the right term for this CD. As you might have predicted by the cover and the seiyuu for this one, Sousuke is your typical genki character. The CD also starts with him not wanting to go to bed at all, and I have to say his genki-ness is addictive. It only made me feel more awake than wanting to fall asleep xD

Sousuke is really cute. Genki brats, kids, guys aren't really my type, but I have to admit that he sounds like someone who is a lot of fun to be around. He has a cute way of teasing you, and reacts even cuter when you tease him back. The story he tells was very cute as well, although it had some very illogical moments (I guess that are fairy tales for you xD)
When you've fallen asleep his real kindness show, I really loved the part where he talks on his own. Although it still kept me awake more then wanting to fall asleep. The wake up track is just like I imagined; Sousuke doesn't let you get up. (even though you were already up - he simply pulls you back into bed).

Apparently this was the first time Terashima-san did a recording with dummy head mic. Like everyone he is entertaining himself with trying different positions and listening to the effect. One of his last comments is actually sort of rude (he also says so himself xD) but it was intended in a cute way so no harm done xD. He also however explained a bit about how the recording works which is interesting.

Because Sousuke is a genki(ish) character he started out with a bit of a disadvantage, but he managed to turn the situation around. He'll never be my favorite but I had a lot of fun listening to this CD. I know a lot of you have a soft spot for genki characters, so I know you'll have a lot of fun with this =)

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